The Press Release of the ”Kastryčnicky Ekanamičny Forum-2014:Unleashing Public Sector’ Potential”

The conference "Global context, local solutions: Belarus’ private sector potential" will be held on November 5, 2014 in Minsk, Belarus. The conference is a part of Kastryčnicky Ekanamičny Forum framework that aims a to create conditions for a broad dialogue and search for measures to enhance the role of private sector of the belarussian economy. The conference is organized by the Research Center of the Institute for Privatization and Management in association with the Belarus Economic Research and Outreach Center (BEROC) and CASE Belarus. 

According to the provisional programm of the conference, it wiil be opened by the Nikolai Snopkov, Minister of Economy of Belarus; Andrey Mitskevich, Chairman of the Association of European Business; Sanaka Samarasinha, UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative. The panels will be moderated by belarussian economists and expertised businessmen.

There will be three panels during the conference:
1. Global context: looking for opportunities in challenging times.
2. SOEs reform: Focus on allocative efficiency.
3. Private sector in Belarus: unleashing the potential.

Among the invited speakers of the conference are known foreign and belarusian economists, including: 
  • Yang Chul Kim, World Bank Country Manager for Belarus,
  • Lucio Mauro Vinhas de Souza, Managing Director/Sovereign Chief Economist, Moody’s Investors Service, New York,
  • Pavlo Sheremeta, former Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and the President of the Kyiv School of Economics, 
  • Alexander Vlahovic, pPresident of the Serbian Economists Association, former Minister of Economy and Privatization of Serbia. 

The conference is organized with the support of United States Agency for International Development, PACT Inc. and the Association of European Businesses. General information partner - TUT.BY. Partners - Company AVTOIDEYA, the official dealer of BMW and MINI in the Republic of Belarus and the company ASBIS, one of the leading companies in the IT industry in Belarus, belongs to international holding ASBISc Enterprises Plc. 

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