Conference program

Global context, local solutions: Belarus’ private sector potential

Hotel Europe, Minsk
November 5, 2014

Registration and coffee, 8.00-9.00

Conference opening


Nikolai Snopkov, Minister of Economy of Belarus
Pavel Daneyko, CEO, IPM 

Keynote speeches

Belarus structural reform challenge 
Young Chul Kim, World Bank Country Manager for Belarus
The CIS and Russia-Ukraine Stresses 
Dr. Lucio Vinhas de Souza, Managing Director/Sovereign Chief Economist, Moody’s Investors Service

Panel 1. Global context: looking for opportunities in challenging times


Moderator: Dr. Irina Tochitskaya, Academic director of the IPM Research Center

Economic reforms in Ukraine: challenges and expectations
Pavlo Sheremeta, former Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine

Eurasian Ecoomic Union: Perspectives and Challenges for Belarus
Dr. Andrey Lipin, Deputy Director, Macroeconomic Policy Department, Eurasian Economic Commission

Discussants: Vladimir Vassilevski, UNITER Investment Company, member of the Supervisory Board; Alexander Egorov, Head of Directorate at Ministry of economy of the Republic of Belarus

Coffee, 12.00-12.30

Panel 2.Private sector in Belarus: unleashing the potential


Moderator: Pavel Daneyko, CEO, IPM 

Business environment in Belarus: Recent trends
Olga Sherbina, Head of Belarus Office at IFC

Belarusian SMEs’ corruption perception
Dr. Igor Pelipas, Head of the Supervisory Board, IPM Research Center

IT Sector in Belarus: How to sustain the success story
Vladimir Basko, Director of the Infopark Association

Discussants: Valery Papakul, lawyer, partner of the law office "Stepanovski, Papakul and Partners", Natalia Nikandrova, Director of the National Agency of investment and privatization

Lunch, 14.30-15.30

Panel 3. SOEs reform: Focus on allocative efficiency


Moderator: Dr. Kiryl Haiduk, country economist for Belarus at the World Bank

Private Sector Development Program: Serbian Experience
Aleksandar Vlahovic, President of the Serbian Economists Association, former Minister of Economy and Privatization of Serbia

Improving inter-sectoral allocative efficiency in Belarus
Dzmitry Kruk, researcher, BEROC

New priorities and principles of the government programs financing: Focus on SMEs
Tatiana Mitrofanova, Head of the Analysis and Strategic Planning Center, Development Bank of Belarus

Discussants: Lev Freikman, consultant, World bank; Maxim Ermolovich, Deputy Minister of Finance of Belarus


Closing remarks


Dr. Irina Tochitskaya, Academic director of the IPM Research Center

Dr. Kiryl Haiduk, country economist for Belarus at the World Bank

Pavel Daneyko, CEO, IPM

Andrey Mitskevich, Chairman of the Association of European Business