Conference agenda

KEF-2016: Reforms for Inclusive Growth

November 3–4, 2016
Dipservice Hall, Minsk, Belarus 

Registration, 11:00-12:30

Day 1Global Context: In search of appropriate tools


Conference opening:

Nikolay Snopkov, Deputy Heady of the Administration of President of the Belarus

Andrea Wiktorin, Ambassador, the European Union Delegation to Belarus

Dr. Bas Bakker, Senior Regional Resident Representative for Central and Eastern Europe, IMF European Department

Global and regional triggers of uncertainty


ModeratorHenry Foy, Central Europe Correspondent at Financial Times

Dr. Bas Bakker, Senior Regional Resident Representative for Central and Eastern, IMF European Department
CESEE regional economic outlook

Dr. Iikka Korhonen, Head of the Institute for Economies in Transition BOFIT
China and the world economy

Dr. Andrei Klepach, Chief Economist of Vnesheconombank of Russia
Russia: Prospects of economic recovery, prospects of sustainable growth

Andrey MovchanSenior Assosiate and Director of the Economic Policy Program, Carnegie Moscow Center
On the verge of the new economic cycle - how to set up for the failure, and how not to

CommentProf. Marek Dabrowski, Non-Resident Scholar at Bruege, CASE Fellow


Global and regional structural reform patterns: Implications for Belarus


ModeratorRobert Kirchner, coordinator of the German Economic Team Belarus

Mark Allen, Fellow at CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research
Regional reform agenda and the role of the IFIs: Implications for Belarus

Dr. Alexander ZaborovskyFirst Deputy Representative of the Ministry of Economy
Economic outlook for Belarus: Impact of economic policy, impact of external factors

Dr. Ben Slay, Senior Advisor at the Regional Service Centre for Europe and CIS, UNPD
Agenda 2030: What SDGs can bring to countries like Belarus?

Elizabeth Hafner, Deputy Assistant USTR for Russia and Eurasia in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
Recent shifts in a global trade and trade policies: Implications for the region

CommentDr. Irina Tochitskaya, Academic Director of the IPM Research Center

Speeches of the evening


Sanaka Samarasinha, UN Resident Coordinator in Belarus
Empowered lives, resilient nations: Expanding opportunities in a shrinking world

Dr. Kiryl Rudyformer Economic Advisor to the President of the Republic of Belarus (2013-2016)
Why we don't need economists


Day 2: Local solutions: From problem recognition to processes revision

Registration, 8:00-9:00

Plenary session


Welcoming remarks

Ekaterina Paniklova, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Belarus

Paul van Oostveen, Chargé d'affaires, Embassy Office of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Belarus

Robert Riley, Chargé d’affaires, US Embassy in Minsk

Keynote speech

Dr. Hans Timmer, Chief Economist for the Europe and Central Asia, World Bank
Responding to the economic headwinds in Europe and Central Asia: A new agenda for structural reforms

Creative destruction that could not be postponed: State owned enterprises reform


ModeratorCourtney Fingar, editor-in-chief, FDI Magazine

Young Chul Kim, World Bank Country Manager for Belarus
SOEs reform for Belarus: identifying constraints and opportunities

Dr. Karlis SmitsSenior Economist, Macroeconomics & Fiscal Management, Belarus and Ukraine
SOE reforms in Chine: lessons for Belarus

Christopher Onajin, Senior Advisor / Team Lead Africa, Loans and Guarantees, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
Creating economic and social value through state owned enterprises

Pavel Vaskovskiy, head of the Department of the Problem Assets Administration, Development Bank of Belarus
The role of banks in enterprise restructuring: Risk mitigation and dealing with problem assets

CommentAlexey Yakovlev, CEO, “Belshina” JSC

SOEs restructuring: Challenges and solutions for the labor market


ModeratorOlga Loyko, TUT.BY

Oleg Tokun, Head of the Employment Policy Department, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
Employment promotion and social protection: A medium-term perspective

Dr. Anna LukiyanovaAssistant Professor at the Higher School of Economics, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Labor Market Studies, Russia
Adaptation of labor markets to recession: The case of Russia

Dr. Katerina BornukovaBEROC Academic Director
Vulnerable groups at the labor market of Belarus

CommentMaxim Ermolovich, First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance of Belarus

SOEs restructuring: Challenges and solutions for the financial market


ModeratorPavel Daneyko, CEO, Institute for Privatization and Management

Dmitry Kalechits, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of Belarus
Belarusian financial market development: A medium-term perspective

Dmytro Sologub, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine
Restructuring of non-performing loans: Evidence from the recent experience of Ukraine 

Dr. Grzegorz Jędrzejczak, Professor at the Warsaw University
Stock market development: Polish experience and implications for Belarus

Brian Olden, Deputy Chief of the Public Financial Management Division, IMF
SOEs reform: Public finance perspective

CommentAlexander Mironichenko, director of the department of the Rehabilitation and Bankrupcy of the Ministry of Economy of Belarus